Quick Question: The BBC and LGBTQ+ Characters.

I put the call out on Twitter earlier but, for some context, I’m writing a research report for my MA on the BBC Television and LGTBQ+ on-air representation from 2006 onwards. In between looking at various reports commissioned by the BBC Trust and Stonewall, I want to see if I can gather a list of programmes featuring LGTBQ+ characters  myself. Naturally, it’s not possible for me to see everything the BBC puts out (though I feel like sometimes I must do). The list I’ve got so far includes: The Night Watch, Lip Service, Doctor Who, Torchwood, In The Flesh, Heading Out, Consenting Adults, The Line of Beauty (thanks Tam!).

 If you can remember any others, could you comment below with the name of the programme in question? Remember, it must have aired in 2006 or later (so sadly neither Tipping the Velvet, nor my personal revelation Fingersmith count) and it must have aired in the UK. 

Please feel free to share this around as I’m sure we’re all likely to forget something. Thank you so much!

7 thoughts on “Quick Question: The BBC and LGBTQ+ Characters.

  1. Jimmy McGovern’s Accused had an episode with Sean Bean as a cross dressing English teacher who has a relationship with Stephen Graham. Also Christopher and His Kind with Matt Smith, Worried About the Boy (drama about Boy George that was part of the BBC’s 80s season) feature central queer characters. I don’t know if dramas about real life people count? If so, there was also the Frankie Howard drama with David Walliams and Rafe Spall, and ‘Kenneth Williams: Fantabulosa!’ starring Michael Sheen which aired in 2006. Hope that helps!

    • Ah thank you so much! I had actually remembered Worried about the Boy but somehow totally forgot Accused. And yes, dramas about real life people count, it all adds to their level of representation (especially according to the guidelines set out by Stonewall).

    • Thanks! Unfortunately, I’m having to limit the list to productions that have aired in the UK at the time of writing which I’ll specify up top in an edit. But thank you for taking the time anyway!

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